using System; using System.Configuration; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Xml.Linq; namespace Dotmyself { /// /// Generate and transform an XML document using LINQ to XML. /// Author : Hyacinthe MENIET /// class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string ConnectStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TransformationConnectionString"].ConnectionString; TransformationDataContext context = new TransformationDataContext(ConnectStr); // Querying the SQL Server Transformation Database to produce // an XML document from a LINQ to SQL query Console.WriteLine("Generating the XML document"); XElement xml = new XElement("peoples", from p in context.People select new XElement("people", new XElement("id",, new XElement("firstname", p.firstname), new XElement("name",, new XElement("role", p.Role.label))); xml.Save(@"C:\DOTNET_WORKSPACE\repos\Output\Transformation.xml"); // Transforming the XML Document into HTML Code Console.WriteLine("Generating the HTML document"); XElement html = new XElement("html", new XElement("body", new XElement("table", new XElement("tr", new XElement("th", "Id"), new XElement("th", "Full Name"), new XElement("th", "Role")), from p in xml.Descendants("people") select new XElement("tr", new XElement("td", p.Element("id").Value), new XElement("td", p.Element("firstname").Value + " " + p.Element("name").Value), new XElement("td", p.Element("role").Value))))); html.Save(@"C:\DOTNET_WORKSPACE\repos\Output\Transformation.html"); // Fetching the XML Document with the comma delimiter Console.WriteLine("Generating the CSV document"); string csv = (from p in xml.Descendants("people") select String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3} {4}", (string)p.Element("id"), (string)p.Element("firstname"), (string)p.Element("name"), (string)p.Element("role"), Environment.NewLine) ).Aggregate( new StringBuilder(), (sb, s) => sb.Append(s), sb => sb.ToString() ); File.WriteAllText(@"C:\DOTNET_WORKSPACE\repos\Output\Transformation.csv", csv); Console.ReadLine(); } } }